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ViewPoint, the Cincinnati Art Club’s National Juried Fine Art Competition, is now celebrating 56 consecutive years of exhibiting local, regional and national artists who are at the top in their respective fields.
A special thanks to the jurist Lon Brauer for selecting my painting “Just Another Vice” for inclusion in ViewPoint 56.
Exhibition: Friday, August 23rd – September 14th, 2024
Artist Reception & Awards: Friday, August 23, 2024 | 5:00 – 9:00pm
Location: Eisele Gallery | 6936 Madisonville Rd, Village of Mariemont, OH 45227
The Cincinnati Art Club was formed in 1890 for the purpose of advancing the knowledge and love of art through education. This mission has been and will continue to be promoted through exhibitions, lectures, hands-on demonstrations, sketch and painting group work sessions, monthly critique sessions, maintenance of an art library and awarding of student scholarships.

Exhibition Judge:
Lon Brauer: is an American artist known for his work in figure and plein air landscape. He has a BFA from Washington University and an MFA from Fontbonne University – both in St. Louis, Missouri.
in 1980 Lon landed a gig with a photography studio that eventually turned into a 30-year career as one of St. Louis’s top shooters. Through the years he worked with both advertising agencies and design firms in the St. Louis area shooting product and photo illustration for print. Working with large format cameras set up a unique way of seeing imagery through the rectangle of a ground glass. Upside-down images, swings and tilts, lenses of various focal lengths, dramatic lighting, multiple exposure, and darkroom razzle-dazzle. Theatre in the making. This vision then contributed to his success as he transitioned to painting full time in 2005.
Brauer is a major player on the plein air circuit having garnered top prizes in most of the major events held throughout the country. With his unique fast and aggressive approach he offers images that challenge the viewer with fresh insights to the visual arts. He refers to his work as Expressive Realism – rooted in representational with a big dose of the abstract.
Brauer has shown his work both nationally and overseas. He holds signature membership with Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society, Outdoor Painters Society, and the American Society of Marine Artists. He travels extensively with top plein air events each season. When home, he is in studio painting and sculpting. He holds frequent workshops where he teaches drawing and painting through figurative themes. Lon Brauer Studios is in Granite City, IL where Lon lives with his partner, quillwork artist Djuana Tucker.