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Exhibition: Tuesday, November 19 – Friday, December 6, 2024
Artist Reception & Awards: Thursday, November 21, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: The Salmagundi Club |Forty-Seven Fifth Avenue @ Twelfth Street | New York, NY
As is tradition at Salmagundi, we annually honor our member Sylvia Maria Glesmann, who is a major benefactor of the Salmagundi Club. She has given our institution its first sizeable grant for renovation, donated her collection of over 50 watercolors, sponsored the annual Sylvia Maria Glesmann floral show, and provided prizes in our exhibitions.
Sprays of colorful floral displays of paintings are exhibited among the entries from the Salmagundi Club’s artist members. The brilliance of this exhibition’s flowers will warm the season’s colder days of the year.

The exhibit will be held at the historic Salmagundi Club. Founded in 1871, the Salmagundi Club is one of the oldest art organizations in the United States. Housed in a historic brownstone mansion in Greenwich Village, New York City, the Club offers programs including art classes, exhibitions, painting demonstrations, and art auctions throughout the year for members and the general public.